Tag Archives: Space

Existence of God Final

Man can be an experiment of any civilisation

However, if we consider this entire system as a simulation, then there is a possibility that it is an experiment of an advanced civilization or the future humans are looking at their past by creating this program. However, whatever is the case it is certain that if someone has created us, then he is the God for us and of course, as soon as you acknowledge this possibility, you will have to believe that if it is so then there are two Gods. The one, who created this entire system and the other who has been created by humans.

Humans applied their fantasies on what they created, according to their understanding, nature and the knowledge acquired so far. Somewhere formless and somewhere three or four-faced, somewhere made of light without any shape and size, somewhere holding sky in the right hand and somewhere seated on the throne. Moreover, they applied their human emotions on him in the same way that he becomes happy with flattery like humans, sad like humans and also becomes enraged like humans and violently threatens to punish.

Existence of god final

Now if we are discussing the possibility of God’s existence then we also have to find some satisfactory answers about the angels, prophets and incarnations because these things are also essentially connected with the concept of God. First, let’s talk about the angels for whom the concept is that they are made of the spiritual master, that is, the matter which does not belong to this world.

In a debate of a theist-atheist, Kent Hovind was asked the question of how angels in the form of spiritual force can affect an object made of matter and how many angels made of spiritual matter can dance on the tip of a pen made of matter. 

His answer was that as a human being, we are made of matter, but which matter emotions like happiness, grief, anger, jealousy are made of? But they still affect our body made of matter, don’t they? If we kick and bounce away from a cane on the road in anger so here isn’t the anger arising out of a nothing material affecting both cane and us.

We can describe the spiritual force of the angel in the form of these emotions that force us to behave differently than normal and things remain in your mind collectively in the form of chemical reactions. Whoever imagines big-winged angels made bone and flesh, cannot find answers to such questions as to how the spiritual matter can affect a matter and how many angels can dance at the tip of a pen. Angels, just mean such a spiritual force which can give you ‘knowledge’ by any means and can make you do good or bad work. They cannot be given more space than that.

infinity The cycle of civilization

What can be the role of a prophet in a programmed system  

Now let’s come to the role of the prophet and incarceration. If you consider the whole universe to be a concrete reality then you have to understand that your status is no more than the protons, neutrons and electrons locked in an atom which cannot even be seen with naked eyes and trillions of atoms are scattered around us. Or by standing in a far-flung desert, taking a particle of sand on your finger and imagine that you are inside this particle and then think will you as a human being, present outside the atom or particle of sand, bother to issue any guidelines for some organisms or particles inside?

Existence of god final

Obviously, your answer will be negative. In such a situation you cannot believe these two things together, that the whole universe is a reality and that on an almost non-visible planet, some of the prophets or incarcerations have been sent to release guidelines for humans with the status of less than micro bacteria. If we consider this universe to be a concrete reality, then we have totally failed to understand its purpose actually. Then the prophet or incarceration is a very distant thing.

That means making favourable conditions for life on a planet like Earth and creating such a large universe around it that even one percent of it is not accessible to us is not rational at all. We are bound in the speed limit of light which, despite being at the highest peak of three lakh kilometres per second is even lesser than the speed of an ant according to the size of the space that at this speed we will barely reach the other solar system in one life. It will take many generations to get out of our galaxy, then the fantasy of reaching elsewhere in space is meaningless. Then what does that space mean for us?

But if we come to the option of half Illusion or full simulation, then these things become relevant. It can be understood from this example that our computer is working properly and it gets some viruses that start corrupting the files and do not let it function properly. Then we install antivirus in the computer which finds and eliminates the virus so that the computer starts working again properly. We can only name this antivirus a prophet or incarceration.

Vulture feast

Right God or wrong God

However, if you are a believer and believe in God then think a little, contemplate and decide if you have not caught hold of the wrong God. As a believer, when you yammer about your complaints and ask here and there that if God exists then why this is so or why that is so? Why does he not come in the time of need or help people in times of need? So, in reality, it is your shortcoming that you are asking questions to that God and for that God who is created by humans.

Existence of god final
Two hands holding the sun and planets in the universe

If there exists any God, he is not at all the same that you know as God, related to the religions present in the world. If he exists, then it is certain that he will be detached from all these things and the thousands of questions that you have here, you should actually be asking yourself rather than him because as a creator you would not want to impose all that on your own creation, against which questions still arise in your mind.

So if you believe in God, then get rid of wrong God and catch the right God. You will get the answers to your questions yourself.

God's Existence

Existence of God 4

What could be the motive of making the world

Let’s talk about the first possibility that this entire observable universe is a concrete reality. Now here you have to think that does both the perspectives behind making us, i.e. either everything has been made for us or we have been created for the amusement of him or his people, seem to be the weighty reason in this condition that we are existing only on an almost ‘nothing’ part of such a large universe and interestingly we neither have access to the planets around us nor do we possess the age to go out of our solar system. Reaching the rest of the galaxies is even beyond imagination.

Consider this with an example that in a big hall, you put some bacteria in a small box which neither have the ability nor have the age to go out of that box. Whatever your purpose is to keep them but you know that the box alone is enough for them. But even then, you fill the hall with millions of same boxes which are of no use. Will you find this work rational?

Existence of god 4
Whole Universe is a Box

Go and stand in a desert and imagine that you have placed some micro-bacteria on a particle of the sand stretching tens of kilometres and that is just to worship you or their purpose is to entertain the people of your world or through them you are doing an experiment. But for this one work, you have built tens of kilometres of a desert with trillions of particles around that one particle, will you be able to justify your work?

If we consider this entire universe as a concrete reality and also accredit God then know for sure that we have failed absolutely to understand his purpose behind this creation. At least all the above reasons cannot be at all.

infinity The cycle of civilization

Second possibility: half reality and a half story

 Now come to the second possibility of half reality and half story ie half real, half Illusion. In the viewpoint of some thinkers, the reality is that the solar system and galaxy in which we live are just real and the rest of the space we see is an illusion. It can be understood in another way. When we look at a star in the sky a billion light-years away, we are actually looking at an image made of photons sent a billion years ago. While in reality, the star might have ended millions of years ago. Everything we see in space is just an image that can be an hour old and even billions of years old. There is no guarantee of its existence in reality.

Existence of god 4
Half Reality Half Illusion

It is our limitation that we are neither able to get out of our solar system nor able to see the actual time view of any star, planet or object. That means, as a possibility, even if we assume that we will walk at the speed of light ever, then it will take fourteen thousand years to get out of our galaxy, whereas in the meantime one lakh one thousand years will pass on earth.

That is, it is our limit and the possibility of this cannot be denied that knowing this, the creator might have created an illusion of this observable universe around us. Apart from some radio signals and photons in space, what other means do we have?

And who can create such a complex structure by combining space, time and matter, how difficult would it be for him to create such an illusion or cheating photons? By accepting this theory, it can be clear that the reason for our origin maybe some kind of experiment or entertainment. After all, we humans do the same by creating various kinds of computer or real-world simulation games on this planet Earth.

Vulture feast

Third possibility: We are in a simulation program  

Now come to the third theory which says that we are just living in a simulation program. Simulation is actually a program or software in which we create a world through codes that is exactly like ours, where we can apply all the rules that occur in the real world. For example gravity or the character of the game not being able to pass through the solid material. These are called real-world simulation games. The idea of the simulation hypothesis was given by Nick Bostrom in 2003, which is called The Simulation Argument. As a possibility Stephen Hawking also considered the simulation hypothesis to be correct.  

Existence of god 4
Reality and Simulation

Now, if you keep the simulation concept as a possibility, then it has two goals, either entertainment or experiment. If we stick with this theory, then the motive of our creation can be one of these two.

To understand this, we have to take an example again. Put your mobile in front and play a song or a movie. Try to understand this. Water is seen in it, things made of solid metal are also seen and also the humans made of meat. How does this happen? Do different elements are used behind the screen to represent these different things? No. These are all types of dancing pixels that change colours and show different things. That is, you may see things on the screen differently but they have the same element at the core.

 Similarly, all the different things you see around, are made up of different combinations of the same element and that is the atom which has many more units inside it. According to the string theory, the most minute unite of the matter is a string which vibrates on different patterns, and their different patterns form different substances.

That is, there may be a world of difference between the car and the water in appearance, but at the core of these, only atoms will be found. And according to a theory, each such thing holds a mathematical equation, which can be broken and converted into binary code of figure of zero and one.

Our brain actually acts like software that identifies and shows anything seen through the eyes through a binary code and sometimes in different situations, such as in intoxication, it can not detect binary code properly and then we see a snake instead of a rope.

The coding of simulating programs is like brain 

It is through these codes the computer games or simulating programs, that look like real are made and just as the characters act in these games or programs, we act according to this theory. Now here you can raise the question that how can it be an imagination when we are actually able to feel eating, drinking, defecation, urination, hard labour, opulence, happiness, sadness, sickness or death?

For this, you will have to do this experiment to recall the dreams that you dreamed throughout the night the next morning as soon as you wake up. And then ask yourself if all the feelings that were in the dream were not real? You dreamed and you realised it when you woke up in the morning otherwise in the dream you cannot realize that you are dreaming. This is the artistry of our consciousness.

Consciousness is the biggest obstacle to this simulation hypothesis. It is claimed that it is supernatural and cannot be made, even if rest everything is made. At present, scientists are working in this direction and last year a robot named ‘Sophia’ was a step in this direction.

By the way, the concept of a movie called ‘Terminator’ was also the same where a computer program named Skynet develops its own consciousness and takes its possession on Earth. It can also be understood from an example of a game where two players do boxing or play chess/cricket etc. and you have a hold on one player while the computer focuses on another. This is also a small form of consciousness. It may happen that both the players are given their own minds and they act on their own and you just look as a spectator from outside and bet their defeat or victory.

Existence of god 4
simulation world

Although ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is considered dangerous by most people because of ‘Terminator’, or ‘I Robot’ concept, despite this work is still going on in this direction and the day we managed to create this consciousness permanently, the claim of this theory will be further confirmed that we are actually in a simulating program and the one who has designed us, is watching the spectacle silently after creating us for any experiment or entertainment in almost stagnant time and we are going here year after year.

Have you used a VR headset with great graphics and visuals? What it shows in 360-degree view is virtual reality and you forget where you are in reality. That is, you may be standing on the flat floor of your bedroom, but if you are seeing a bumpy place in the program, then you will feel the same way. That is, your body is somewhere but mentally you reach somewhere else and then what you see is the reality for you.

You can understand it better if you have seen the film ‘Avatar’, where the original character lives in a machine and his consciousness is transferred to ‘Avatar’, designed according to the environment of the same planet. The signals with which it is possible can be written in binary code. According to an analysis, the algorithm and the pattern with which Google searches the information you want, your brain also uses the same pattern. That is, we have a code of how the brain works, so the whole consciousness can also be in this form which is being operated from somewhere else.

God's Existence

Existence of God 3

Space, time and matter are the core of the universe

The universe/system or creation we know depends on three things, space as height, width and depth, time as past, present and future, and matter as solid, liquid and gas. Now if he has created the entire system including humans with these things, then it is certain that we or this creation are dependent on these three things and all the laws of physics confirm us to be tied to them. If we are bound by time, space and matter as a creation then at least the creator, who has created us, should be exempted from these.

Existence of God 3
Outside of Universe

According to that, now if we talk about ‘space’, then no matter how big the observable universes is, the person making it cannot be inside it. Like the creator of a super object like a computer cannot be inside it. This whole system is three dimensional and with it one aspect is that an organism living in a dimension can see one dimension less than itself.

For example, by sitting at a distant point, we can differentiate the movements of any object only if it moves to the right or left and up or down. But if it is moving towards us or backwards, then we can understand it in only one condition that if it is coming towards us, it will become bigger moment-by-moment and if it is going away from us, it will become smaller minutely.

But suppose for a moment, that a big object coming towards us, becomes smaller or a smaller object moving away from us becomes bigger. Will our mind understand it? While in the same condition, suppose someone is sitting in heaven and looking at both us and that object, then he will understand it clearly.

In the same way, suppose that the length, breadth and depth of this space will be seen clearly by the person creating it by staying outside while staying inside it, our intelligence will fail in understanding it. It can also be understood the way that we estimate the age of the universe to be 13.7 billion years on the basis that we could not detect the older light than this but what is the guarantee that there will be no older light?

infinity The cycle of civilization

There can be any other form of matter than solid, liquid and gas

Now let’s come to the matter. We know only three forms of matter as solid, liquid and gas because these are the only ones available around us. But how can it be claimed that the one, who has created this complex system, is also made of one of these materials. When we do not know anything outside this system then it is useless to make any guesses but since we are considering a possibility, then we ‘suppose’ that he is either made of a material other than gas, liquid or solid or is a unique combination of all the three.

Existence of God 3
Concept of Energy

In such a situation a possibility also arises that as big the universe is, its creator must be the size and weight around it accordingly, if not the same. The theory here is that of ‘time’, the third pillar of the universe. As we know that time is not absolute and the higher the gravity due to mass, the slower the time will be. That is, in this entire universe, everyone’s time does not pass alike, rather everyone’s time passes differently.

You can understand this by a small and slightly different example of the life cycle of a microbe such as a bacterium with two to four hours of life, or a mosquito with two to four days of life. In the time that their entire life passes, we have a few hours or a few days go by. If we accept the existence of God of the same size outside the universe, then he will also have to be given that mass and gravity where time will either be equal to the passing of millions of years in the blink of an eye or it will be almost halted.

It is certain that he will be free from the effects of our time and we who get bored even thinking of a journey of billions of years in our life of sixty-seventy years, it might be a game of two to four days or two to four weeks. The biggest obstacle in accepting God is that if the supreme species like humans, even if it exists on many other planets, is the main reason for this creation, then its existence is only a few lakh years, whereas it has been four billion years since this planet was created and nearly fourteen billion years to this universe.

Here this long ‘desolate time’ is the biggest obstacle which can be understood if we keep it equivalent of ‘stay’ or ‘blink of an eye’ time of that external power. After all, we do not even drink hot boiled tea immediately from the pot, we rather wait for it to become a ‘right state’ to drink so that it is neither so ‘hot’ that the mouth is burnt nor so ‘cold’ to lose its taste.

Vulture feast

Birth and death of god  

Even though we accept his existence by freeing him from the bondage of time, space and matter, nevertheless some other things have to be recognised. The first is the rule that applies within the universe that without a creator, nothing can be created, that rule will also be applied to him. Saying that ‘he has no one’ can be equivalent to an orphaned earthman who does not have anyone in his family but it cannot be denied that, like other earthlings, there are no people like him in his world. Now, because the thing that has come into existence, will have to end at some time he too cannot be free from this rule.

Secondly, within this universe, we are bound by the laws of physics which he has set. For example, because there is no mass in our world, nothing can travel faster than photons, particles of light (about three lakh kilometres per second). Similarly, he will also be bound by the rules of his world, because no world can remain stable without rules. In such a case, the claim that he is omnipotent has infinite powers and is capable of doing everything is meaningless.

Existence of God 3
Outsider Maker

However, if we define God in this way, then a further question arises that why did he create all this? What was the need to build such a complex system? As a creator, we write a novel, make a film or make a video/computer game or a simulation program, then we create the life ourselves in these. We create favourable or unfavourable conditions for them. There is a reason for this. We want to entertain others through it or do some kind of experiment. Like this what could be the motive of God behind creating such a universal program?

Why did God create the world  

The only answer any believer has to this is that God has created this world (the whole creation) for us and he wants us to follow the path given by him and worship him. This is the most wonderful answer. Did not you feel so? Well put yourself in the place of the creator for a while and think that you write a story, make a film where the characters will act everything you want or make a computer game by giving artificial intelligence to characters where whatever happens is not be fixed like novel or film.

And now imagine that your operative or automatic characters are just acting on your own will, engaged in your flattery and praise or handclasp day and night, what will you feel? Will your intellect be able to accept that every character in my story is just devoted in my praise and I have written this story or designed this computer game to listen to this eulogy?

Now the question arises that let’s assume there is a God, and he has created all this, but why? What is the purpose of this?

Existence of God 3
Unknown God

To understand the purpose of this creation, if you consider this aspect that what this system actually is then perhaps it is easier to understand. This whole universal system or what we see, hear, understand, three possibilities are added with it. The first is that either this is all in reality, or it is half reality and half illusion or it is entirely simulating program i.e. fantasy world, in which we are just acting like characters of computer games.

God's Existence

Programmed Universe Final

Four possibilities of human landing on Earth

However, now you have four possibilities – the first is that human civilization started from two human beings from heaven as Adam and Eve. The second is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution that humans have evolved from a human-sized ape. The third is Alice Silver’s theory that humans have been settled here by some alien civilization from another planet, and the fourth is that some aliens have come to Earth to mix their jeans with homoerectus and create a mixed breed and we actually Half are native Earthlings and half are aliens.

In addition to this, I give a theory on the lines of ‘Planet of the Apes’, that our ancestors actually belonged to an advanced civilization, which wandered in the same space as the scientists of Earth – and then stuck in trouble by an electromagnetic storm or a wormhole, came stranded here travelling time and interval, where there was no option to return. Here the rules of life were different from their planet, which they could not learn till the next generation grew up and passed away with their old knowledge…due to which the new generation had to start life completely from zero.

You can follow whatever you want according to your intelligence. Now you have many possibilities about the existence of humans on Earth and the system of the universe…

Programmed Universe Final
One Theory of Evolution

One possibility for a human incarnation is to begin with two humans, Adam and Eve — one thing to be clear here is that accepting the possibility of Adam Eve does not mean accepting the fantasy associated with them. The second possibility is related to Darwin that humans have evolved from some human shape species of earth. The third is that some people (aliens) established humans here — or that some aliens mixed their genes in homoerectus to form a mixed breed.

You can question that if this is the case then why they did not come again. So one of the reasons for this may be that they may have been coming first and the wheels or other important discoveries were given by them and then they might have ended themselves in a natural disaster or mutual war – but currently, these are only possibilities and there is no way to certify it.

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Humans can also be some kind of experiment

Apart from this, there is also a possibility that there is an advanced civilization of a planet, whose group of few people wandering in space, trapped in an electromagnetic storm or self-made wormhole, travelled to the planet, crossing time interval. Be trapped, there is no option to return and the rules of running life here are completely different and it has taken many generations to learn all this. They had all the knowledge of their planet, but since it is of no use at that time so it has gone out of the memory of the next generations and they had started their journey from zero.

Programmed Universe Final
Selfmade or Crated by any Maker

This Earth, this universe, this whole system can also be self-made — it maybe some kind of computerized program, and it may be that the hyperspace or super universe in which it is the observable universe — is self-created but there are people who have created this bubble universe under an experiment. For example, an auto the programming car — which is acting on its own in terms of appearance, self-made is made of natural elements but is still a human invention — that maintains a completely unseen control over it.

And in the same way, there is God – he cannot be at all like as is the belief, anyone outside the realm of religion can understand it. The rest is ‘if’ he is, then what is he. Any type four or type five civilizations – that are controlling us, stay away from us. A society living in a four-fifth or higher dimension, for which we are exactly the same as the ants that live in the two-dimensional world for us… their every existence of is magic or miracle for us.

Or some programmers on Mother Planet have created this universe or us under an experiment – whose time will be very different from ours. Meaning our thousand or million years will pass in their one day only. Or are we beings in a sycamore type of observable universe like thousands upon millions of sycophants present on that Mother Planet and there are those beings called Gods who are not even keeping track of our deeds and After death, no paradise or hell going to be seen – but they can give life to the fig tree by planting sycamore trees and have the ability to end life by cutting trees or crushing sycamore.

Vulture feast

The ideological battle between theists and atheists

Now come to the present thinking of humans living on the earth – about ninety percent of them are divided into two parts. One is unwavering as to whoever is Allah / Bhagwan / God, who has created the whole creation – others are insistent that there is no God and everything is self-made. There are very few people in the third class who think like me – who do not close the door of their search but keep all the possibilities open. Most of the scientists of the world are of this opinion and that is why their statements are often such that sometimes if they match believe in a theist, then they start to prove him being a believer, or if they match the belief of an atheist he wants to Starts promoting him being an atheist.

While those believers are beyond the interpretations of the atheist – apply it to me and understand it. If I say that there can be God, it does not mean that I am accepting God as prevalent in the world’s beliefs – rather I am pointing to the possibilities that are expressed in this whole article. If I say that no, there is no God, then I am not rejecting all those possibilities, but I am rejecting the prevailing God – who has been established by the people of the world. This is a rule applicable to every person out of this world like me.

If these three classes are categorized on the Intelligence Scale, the first comes on the rung is a believer – which can be termed as a great knowledgeable, because he does not have to work even hard to gain knowledge… as soon as he born, he gets knowledge transferred from generation to generation and gets readymade answers to every question related to nature saves him from all kinds of hard work. In contrast, an atheist can be said to be knowledgeable – because he struggles to gain knowledge and does not close the doors of his mind to a readymade answer from his forefathers, and tests every answer of a believer in his own logic and reaches on a decision. After this, on the third place, there are people like us with a little knowledge who always struggle with questions and pass their life in searching things – and the door of their minds never closed.

Programmed Universe Final
Mystery of Human and Space

Understand this with a few examples – the believer satisfied to knows the reason for the earthquake, that due to the sins of women or when the cow, holding earth on its horns, changes the horns the earthquake comes, while the atheist goes to its bottom and He realizes that this is a natural phenomenon and he is satisfied, but the third category leaves these questions and reaches the womb of the earth – knows about the inner core, mantle, crust then he finds out the cause of the earthquake as friction of the tectonic plates.

The believer achieves this knowledge without hard work – that Huzoor sahib cuts the moon into two pieces of with his finger, Hanuman ji swallowed the sun, or the earth sank into the sea, then Vishnu took out it in the Varaha avatar … Whereas the atheist works hard to gain the knowledge that nobody can join back after splitting in the space and the Earth’s atmosphere will collapse if the moon breaks. If the Sun is millions of times larger than the Earth, then how can a creature on Earth swallow it or if the sea is on Earth, how can the Earth sink into the sea. Whereas, unlike these two, inventors with little knowledge leave this important subject and continue to observe the stars and galaxies in the space.

Faith is just a stand

This is to say that faith is a stand and the stand produced in its reaction is where the atheist stands. All of her philosophy depends on the opposition of theists in which he is successful because the faith has no feet and it is often defeated in front of arguments – while the philosophy of people like us is out of both these states…

Programmed Universe Final
Everything is depend on ur mind

There is not only one possibility for us like the believers have, that by denying it and establishing it as their only possibility, make it perfect – there are many possibilities for us, about life, about man, about this universe.Yes, both types of people can call people like us less knowledgeable because like them, we have never stood on a stand – but why is it so important? What affect is has on our lives – that is only a philosophy. Life has to go on with karma – if it is good, it will have a positive effect on life, if it is bad, it will be negative – but in any case, karma is the main thing and the whole religion is depends on it.

God's Existence

Programmed Universe

Why does human exist in this world?

In the heart of the people has investigative nature, a question is always storming that scientific investigations done till now are telling us that how something exists, but question that why does it exit is still unanswered. If we see our planet only, every living or nonliving thing has a reason for its existence, except man.

Perhaps that is the reason some people think that human being is not originated on earth but came from somewhere else.

The only man is the species has no reason for its existence, because every species has an impact on the natural cycle of earth on its extinction, but no negative impact of extinction of human being can be seen in nature, rather spoiled balance of earth would possibly be improved.   

Programmed Universe
Programmed Universe

In other words, man is the only species in this world that is spoiling the delicate balance of this planet. If we search the answer of the question- “why does man exist?” from the religious point of view, they say that Allah made man for his worship, but it is not an acceptable answer.

There is no shorting of Angels to worship him, and it is also strange if you are a capable scientist, you are making lots of robots to flattering you, admire you and you feel self-satisfied.

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Word “God” is a myth…

In fact word “God” is a myth– when man was not so advanced that he could understand nature, every natural calamity like clouds, thunder, storms, hailstorm, tornado, fire, earthquakes was an unsolved puzzle for him and he had no option to deal with them except a concept that there is a power which is effective enough to control these incomprehensible things and they gave the name “God” or the synonyms such as “Yehovah”.

Then we continued a great error and started to destroy the inventive nature of our generations- just in their childhood we killed the natural questions that arose in their minds, which could be a base for conversion of us, the present man, in type two civilization,  and we invented some readymade answers for them,  while it will take another 100 years to reach us in the state of just type one civilization – which indicates that how slow are we and the reason behind this are the answers, we forged about nature – which based on religion and because of them the minds of even extra intelligent children are frozen.

Programmed Universe
Programmed Universe

However if we see in the light of available knowledge, the words “maker of universe” or “the creator of the universe” are more appropriate for him then God, but for centuries, the fearing minds of the people, hypnotized by religious believes, it is not very easy to be released from the grip of this renowned word- but if they concentrate on science education for the next generations, they can come out from this web of myths and push forward in the direction of inventions, where they can better understand the theory of the maker or makers of this universe – if there is any.  

In this article, we will talk about the possibilities which can create a doubt that to which we see as the nature going through its natural phenomenon, can be a computerized program too, and if it can shed some light on this phenomenon or on the reason of existence of human being…and if it is so then who is or are the designer of this program, for which word “maker of universe” is appropriate.

It is clear that I can’t reach on a final decision, nor any scientist reached till now nor you can decide – so there is no claim. It depends on you how you take these possibilities.

Vulture feast

Why there is agnosticism

If we want to understand something, we only get success if we open all the options for possibilities. If we just close a door, perhaps our analysis can’t be complete totally, so I believe that if we want to understand the nature, or we can say the universe, then agnosticism is the better way than atheism, because as an atheist you completely dismiss a possibility that all this is made by a creator and theism is the worst way because it dismisses all the possibilities except one.

But the fact is that all the theories we can consider about why this universe, this planet, nature and animal kingdom exist, the poorest and rubbish is of atheists and there is a reason for this. All the theories, we can put forward today – depend on the available knowledge from our surroundings, we acquired, based on thousands of the searches, while atheism exists from the early stages of civilization – when man didn’t properly learn to be dressed, eat or making house  but to fight the incomprehensible raging forms, to solve the unanswerable questions, to come out of the situational and mental weakness he created a “God”- and to secure the human life and to manage the social system they create a religion.

Programmed Universe
Programmed Universe

In different countries, times and situations a web of believes, imaginations and assumptions fabricated around this God– to which we know as different religions, but because all this fabrication is done in an era where no knowledge was available about nature or universe, it was obvious to have lots of defects in it and these defects inspire people, who born in the era when lots of knowledge has been achieved, towards atheism.

Because they have reasoning power, which developed from the knowledge available at present, through which they tear apart God’s existence and religious literature, which we can say, created in the era of darkness, but they should think that their atheism is according to God, who created by illiterate Bereft of knowledge people, whereas there is another possibility that there is really a creator (God, according to theists) and possibly he is beyond the limits of men’s brain…

But here they become just like believers with the belief that no one is there. Whereas they too have no strong evidence to prove their claim.  At this point, they become inverted believers because like theists, they have created the belief that everything is self-made, automatic and no one can be its creator.

God's Existence

 Ashfaq Ahmad